What is Pour Over Coffee and How to Make it

The uniqueness of pour-over coffee has recently increased its fame. This technique presents an extraordinary means to create a perfect cup of coffee, wherein its methods and equipment are topics of considerable discussion.

In pour-over coffee, the filter method is used. This method is in trend in most coffee shops. If you have a great barista, he can turn a simple pour-over process into a great coffee. 

It is a very simple and straightforward way. By this, you can easily make a quality coffee that you fell in love with. If you make the pour-over coffee for the first time, drip coffee can easily work for you. 

By taking a comprehensive guide, you can easily brew pour-over coffee by yourself. By understanding some important points, you can easily make the pour-over coffee.

Pour Over Brewing Method

The pour-over method is very simple. This method involves pouring hot water. The hot water pours through ground coffee in the filter. From the filter, it then goes into the carafe or a mug. 

Pour-overs coffee is also very famous from different other names. People also call it filter coffee, drip coffee, or batch brewers. Many people also call it hand brewing or manual brewing. 

It is because the pour-over coffee is made by hand pouring the water over the coffee grounds. The pour-over method has been used for many years. From the 1900s, this technique has been very commonly used. It was first used in Europe. 

Further, there are different coffee beans available that you can use to brew the pour-over coffee. Using different beans will result in a different brewed coffee.

Equipment to Make Pour Over Coffee

There is much different equipment for making pour-over coffee. But it is not necessary to buy all of them. You can start making it with simple equipment and filters. 

When you learn it completely, then you can buy equipment according to your choice. The basic equipment for making pour-over coffee include;

1. Dripper

The dripper is a simple piece of equipment that holds the coffee grounds and filter. It is also known as a brewing device. With the help of a brewing device, you can easily brew your coffee

There are many different brewing devices. Out of them, some famous drippers include V60, Melitta, and Kalita Wave. These three drippers are set on the top of the cup, and they can be interchangeable. 

These three drippers have specific designs that affect the flow and extraction. Different designs give you different flow and extraction rates.

2. Filters

Filters play an important role in many coffees. There are different filters for different devices. Specific filters are made for different devices and allow efficient extraction. There are two filters that are used widely in different coffee shops. 

These two filters are a paper filter and a cloth filter. Many companies use paper filters. These paper filters are 20-30% heavier than the other ones. During the brewing process, the paper filters retain most of the suspended oils.

Many people claim that there are some disadvantages to paper filters. If these filters are bleached, then they create a papery taste which is undesirable. No one wants to have these papery flavors in their coffee. 

If you want to avoid it, then rinse the filter perfectly. Many people use cloth filters. These filters are used for a long time and also do not affect the flavor. Cloth filters have a smaller environmental impact than other filters. 

Many people prefer cloth filters over paper filters. You can choose any of these filters according to your choice. Fit them properly in your device so that you get the desired result.

 3. Scales

Many people think that scales are not essential. Scales are an important part of making the perfect coffee. If you want to make a good coffee, then you have to keep in mind the scales. 

You can use a digital scale for measuring the coffee and water. With the help of these scales, you can use the same recipe and make the exact result every time.

4. Kettles

There are many different kettles for making pour-over coffee. Different baristas use a small copper kettle to pour water. You can also use a simple standard electric kettle. Kettles are important for developing consistency in making coffee. 

Kettles are specifically designed for pour-over. With the help of a kettle, you can keep water at a stable temperature. The stable temperature helps you to create a consistent extraction.

Kettles have a long thin gooseneck. This long and nick neck is for controlling the flow of water. You can choose any electric stove or batch water heater kettle. The choice is up to you. You can also purchase a coffee maker from a coffee shop for easy coffee brewing.

4 Useful Methods for Pouring

There are different pouring techniques that you can choose according to your requirement.

1. Bloom Technique

Bloom’s technique is a quick way of bubbling up water. In the bloom technique, the bubbling takes place due to degassing of carbon dioxide. Fresh coffee produces bloom as they contain gases. 

Carbon dioxide repels the water and helps the grounds to sit at different heights. After this, gases escape, and consistent extraction occurs.

2. Pulse Pouring Technique

In this technique, multiple pours are used. These pours have a specific amount of water in them. The pulse pouring technique helps to prevent the grounds from rising on the sides of the coffee filter. 

This technique helps to disrupt the finer grind. You can choose the grind size as per your wish. In the pulse pouring technique, the flow of water is intentionally varied.

3. Continuous Pouring Technique

In this technique, you can pour the water at a constant flow rate. Ensure to keep the water temperature high. It will help to keep the flow rate as smooth as possible. Different pours have different effects on the extraction process. They also have a different impact on the brewing method.

4. Agitation

Agitation is a simple process. In agitation during the brewing process, mild disturbance of coffee grounds takes place. There are many different ways of agitating coffee. You can store or swirl the brew.

The ground disperses easily in agitation. The grounds can be left high, and they can easily dry on the filter with the help of channeling. Agitation also helps to improve even extraction. However, make sure to choose the correct ratio of coffee.

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