6 Wonderful Coffee Maker Uses

Certain kitchen tools and appliances might not be frequently used. For example, if you own a coffee maker, but you do not habitually drink coffee, then it’s quite possible that your coffee maker is seldom utilized.

You might have put your coffee maker on the kitchen counter as a useless kitchen appliance. If that is the case, then this article is for you. Here, you will find 6 unique uses of coffee makers that you might not be familiar with before. The given uses of coffee makers will let you utilize them more frequently in a productive way.

Uses of Coffee Maker

Making coffee is quite easier if you have coffee makers at your home. You can brew coffee as per your preference using this machine. But what if you do not want a cup of coffee and want to use the coffee maker for some other purpose? Well, for that, read this article.

Cook Pasta

Pasta is the first thing that you can prepare in your coffee maker other than a delicious coffee. TO make pasta in your coffee maker, you will require to fill it up to the 12-cup mark with water. After that, make sure to add the pasta to the carafe.

After adding the water and pasta to your coffee maker, turn it on and wait for a few minutes. Let the pasta cook well for some time. Further, if you are preparing linguine or spaghetti, try to push it in the coffee pot after softening it.

Make Pancakes

You might be surprised to know that you can even make pancakes with the coffee maker. The hot plate present in the coffee maker will help you in this taste. You can make a pancake by adding a small quantity of batter to the preheated plate. 

Once you begin to notice tiny bubbles developing on the batter, flip the pancake. By flipping it, you will be able to cook the other side of the pancake properly. 

However, try to be careful while making the pancakes on the coffee maker. Cooking pancakes without knowing the process may result in a way. Make sure to follow the correct recipe to get the best taste of food.

Instant Noodles

Are you a fan of noodles and want to prepare noodles quickly? If yes, then the coffee maker machine might be helpful for you. The coffee maker will help you prepare instant noodles to get rid of the sudden hunger pangs. 

Within 8-10 minutes, you can get your instant noodles ready in the pot. To make instant noodles in the coffee maker, you will need to follow the given steps.

  • Take the desired amount of masala and noodles.
  • Put the masala and noodles in the coffee maker pot.
  • Add two cups of water to the pot and start the timer.
  • Wait for a few minutes until it completely gets cooked.

After waiting for 8 to 10 minutes, you will get your tasty noodles ready. The best thing is that the noodles prepared by a coffee maker produce a similar taste to noodles prepared by other traditional methods.

Masala Tea

The method of preparing masala tea and coffee is slightly different. Most people think that a coffee maker is only useful to prepare delicious coffee, which is not the case. 

Apart from coffee, you can also make tasty masala tea in a coffee maker. The steps to prepare masala tea in a drip coffee maker are following:

  • Take the desired amount of water and milk and add it to the drip coffee machine. It is up to you how much water you want to include in your tea. If you do not like adding water to the tea, you can use more milk.
  • Now add other ingredients like cinnamon and black cardamom to the coffee machine. If you want a tea with a sweeter taste, then you can also include sugar in it. Add the desired amount of sugar you want.
  • After that, you will also require adding tea leaves to the coffee pot. If you want a stronger tea, make sure to add more quantities of leaves in the pot.
  • Once you have added all the ingredients, start the timer and wait until it gets boiled so that you can enjoy tea full of taste.

Warm a Baby Bottle

If you are traveling with your baby who loves drinking warm milk or formula, you can use a coffee maker to get it done. You can brew hot water or milk quickly with the coffee maker. Make sure to check the pot repeatedly while boiling the milk on the machine. 

Warming a baby bottle is another useful thing that you can do with the help of a coffee maker machine. Checking it repeatedly will help you attain the ideal temperature you want.

Bake Mini Cupcakes

Mini cupcakes are another delicious dish that one can prepare with a coffee maker. You can use cupcake tins for baking the mini cupcake in the machine. If you do not have cupcake tins, you do not need to worry. 

You can either purchase the cupcake tins or make your own. With the help of metal measuring cups, you can make mini cupcakes at home. If you have arranged the cupcake tins, follow the given steps to prepare this delicious dish.

  • Mix the ingredients of the cupcake in the tins. Try to include every ingredient accurately so that you get the best taste.
  • After adding the ingredients, take the tin and put it on the burner.
  • Cover the tins with the pot so that the heat does not get released.
  • Wait for a few minutes so that you get the tasty mini cupcakes.

The best thing is that mini cupcakes will take to get prepared in a coffee machine is the same as the time it requires for baking in an oven. So, apart from the oven, you can also bake cupcakes in a coffee maker.


Not only coffee, but also you can make various other delicious dishes and beverages with the help of a coffee maker. You can either cook oatmeal, make pancakes, cheese, masala tea, hot dogs, hard-boiled eggs, and many other items with the coffee maker. 

However, before using a coffee machine to prepare such delicious food, you should be careful so that the machine does not get damaged. To help you get the best taste, we have added steps to prepare various dishes.

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